Group Buy Policy

What is a group buy?

Group Buy (GB) is a type of purchase process made available to customers before the product is manufactured. It can be either limited in available quantity (can be referred as "slots"), limited in time (available for purchase during a specified time period). Either or both of condition can apply to a Group Buy. Orders are submitted to the manufacture at the end of the group buy to commence production.

When will my Group Buy order ship?

Product(s) in the group buy category will be ready to ship when manufacturing is complete and delivered to our warehouse. The estimated delivery time is a rough guide when it will be ready for fulfillment, however delays and setback may happen and we will try our best to communicate with group buy participants with updates.


The end product may vary in color from either renders or real photos of product prototypes. By entering a group buy form THOCC SUPPLY you are agreeing with statements listed above.